Madison Morrison's Web / Sentence of the Gods / Selected Poems

Selected Poems 慕禮生詩選集

English cover image

Madison, What good ideas for poems! I'm especially envious of the one called Girls. Kenneth (Postcard from Kenneth Koch)

Chinese cover image

我們想到陶淵明的 「結廬在人間,心遠地自偏」--陳瑞山

from Sleep

from O

from Light

from A

from Second

from Her

Notes 注解

Cover of Selected Poems

from Sleep
"I Was Thinking," "Old and New but Young and Old," The Twentieth Century, Girls, A Warfilm Is a Peacefilm, Changes

from O
24-43, 50-55

from Light

from A
Escapade '74-'75

from Second
"Ten Poems"

from Her

The Arnold edition (New Delhi, 1989) reprints the English text from the
Sing Kuang edition (Taipei, 1985)